The Craftmans Shop > PowerSports

A loader for the Ford 850 from bits and pieces

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With the bushings and holes sized and fit checked, it was time to make swarf out of all the nice metal in the middle of the bushings.

About 2/3 the way through this one, my daughter knocked on the door of the shed and said dinner was in ten minutes. So it was time to clean up, and that's where i left things for today.


Bushings finished. I put them in the arms, and ran a rod between them to make sure they stayed in line. Tack welded them, then pulled the rod (didn't want to trap it), and welded the bushings all round.

Cleaned up the spatter, then I reamed them 1.003" in place. Had a nice slip fit over the pins. Just as I was finishing again the messenger for supper time arrived, and we called it a day. Feels like we're on our way!

Hi Steve,just wondering how this hybrid front loader is looking now.....OZ.(definitely a plan B)

Well Oz, embarrassed to say it was looking a lot heavier after the lower arm assembly dropped onto my foot while I was shifting things into position to see how short I should cut it back. Hopped around cursing myself in order to ignore the pain for a few minutes until I could catch my breath. Limped up to the house and got the boot off, and got an ice bag onto it -- two toes mainly took the hit.

Kept ice on all evening, then took aspirin and put on antiseptic ointment where the hide rubbed off a little. Looked surprisingly good the next morning, no toes apparently broken, no black and blue, a little swelling that's all, and most of the pain gone. Took it easy the next day, didn't walk around -- sat, read and yapped here probably too much :coffee: but I was bored sitting still!

Today I was right again -- lucky, the boots saved me, and the ice prevented swelling damage -- up and about. But my lovely and kind wife hinted that since all was well, I ought to put the beaded tongue and groove ceiling up in the bathroom as promised a couple weeks ago -- apparently she was tired of having the lumber stacked up in  the living room all that time. Can you imagine?  :whip:

So I played carpenter this afternoon got the stuff up -- moved the light fixture, too -- looks quite nice if I do say so myself -- and I've bought myself more time on the tractor.

So tomorrow....... :dremel:   And I'll watch where I put my feet this time!

So here's a couple things I'm mulling over, preparing for joining the arms tomorrow (if the weather allows):

1.) How long should I make the arms?

Shorter is all around better, assuming it clears the hood ornament!

But --- if I make it short, I won't get much back tilt on the bucket when it's down. Plenty of forward dump. But the geometry doesn't allow much movement the other way. I don't know if this is acceptable, or usual. Lifting the whole arm, naturally does tilt the bucket back the higher it goes. But at ground level, back tilt is limited.

2.) Sleeving the inside -- how to weld it? I was thinking of putting the sleeve half way up, inside the upper tube arm, welding it around, grinding the weld to clean up, then slipping the lower tube over the sleeve, leaving a small gap to the upper tube, then welding that, and thereby filling the gap.

But I'm open to suggestions from better welders than I am.


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