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Calliper knurling tool

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Rik Shaw:
Hello Henning
I based my version on an article and drawings by Graham Meek in  "Engineering in Miniature" volume 35 - No.5 published in UK November 2013.


The Far East one I bought was very wobbly in use so I decided something more solid was needed.

Not my design, just copied from others I'd seen.

Arbalist,  Your knurling tool puts my effort to shame.
I've marked mine for "Must try harder !"

Thanks, main thing is it works well enough. I would prefer to go to cut knurling but it's a bit pricey for something I don't need to do very often!

Take a look at my Little program for helping find the "right" diameter for the piece you'r knurling:

There is NO vira in the MSI-file ! :med: :med:


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