Went garage and failed to do next two steps

1: This guard needs a detachable front cover. I have two design nin my mind. I can't deside if it should be hinged on the the top (stays open when swung way back onto spar) OR detachable, pins and finger screws. Tried to find 3 mm steel plate and had no apropriate piece, need to put that on my shopping list.
2: I have to deside over dust control, I have a plan B (50 mm pipe for flexible hose front of the guard), plan C (50 mm pipe at the back side of this guard, exiting axially to spindle (most compact, and propably least efficient).
Plan A is to attach a chute with 100 mm flexible hose near table and near guard. There I have considered two options
A1: Fixing to grinding spindle mount. Overarm and hanging down. Plus that it can be placed near the guard (gringind wheel) and will probably provide good dust removal and easy hose routing. Minus from needing an articulated arm or other means of adjustment. Fixed mounting is going inerfere with magnetic chuck or piece eventually.
A2: Fixed to table. Plus is simple mounting and it can't interefe with magnetic chuck or clams under grinding inadvertdly. Minus is that when grinding the long pice it will be at the other end of the table....
One mounting method might not be eneough....I am nutating between these two.....thinking which one would be the first I need. Probably will try the A2 first, because it is easiest and gets me working fastest.
There is party today I have to attend, will start working on this today night or tomorow.