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Centre finder punch part one

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S. Heslop:
I bought myself some silver steel to have a go at making a punch. The sharpened drill bit I was using couldn't hold up to steel.

Might be easier to buy one but you'll all understand.

Nice work John :nrocks:

In fact you CAN make it so that it can find

1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5

of the distance across a flat bar, you just have to make the pin a Little special -look here:

Hi John,

If you look at Ksor's pictures you'll see that his location pins are halved such that the centre lines correspond with the edge of the bar.

If you use round location pins only the centre line hole will work accurately as this is independent of pin diameter. If you want to divide by e.g. 4 on different size bars it's not reliable. The smaller the pins you use the more accurate the division.

The following two pictures illustrate the problem:

You'll have to tell people that the extra holes are to lighten it!




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