The Shop > Metal Stuff

acetylene... not getting enough pressure, need advice

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SPiN Racing: (forgot to add the link)

I dont remember the specific reason that the garage blew up... but I live around 10 miles from this location... and when it went up... We heard it.

My brother lives about a mile and a half from it, and he said his whole house shook.

I gather they were finding rubble for a half mile around the location. And it is RIGHT on a busy 6 lane road. It looks like the owner kicked it off himself, from what little I scanned from the article.

Today..the spot is still bare ground with the rubble of the foundation still there. The debris was there for months and months after.

My wife didnt hesitate when I bought the tri-mix for the welder, cause I spent the extra cash on a good regulator etc from the welding supply house.

Be very careful with that thing...
GO to a welding shop and ask them to show you the styrofoam cup trick. Then picture your garage as the cup. You will make sure its top notch.

I look at welding gas tanks like I do with Scuba related air tanks. Your life is 100 percent tied to your equipment. If either of them fails at the wrong time. it goes very badly, very very quickly.

thanks guys, will do.

I'm away at school right now, but the next time I'm home I'll make sure to get all this taken care of.  Right now both cylinders are tucked away safely w/their valves tightly shut.  I wrapped the connections in plastic bags and smelled inside for any gas leaks, and I got nothin.

I won't try and mess with the regulator... unless they have a confident explaination for the problem and they're sure that it will then be fine to use, I'll just buy a new one.  Do you guys think anyone on here might have a used one that I could buy from them?  The cork board only has 4 topics, but I would imagine there are more people actually looking to buy/sell stuff.  For the money I spend, I would rather buy a used but higher quality tried-n-tested piece of equipment from someone here who is upgrading than a new piece of equipment at new price.

If you're reading this and have an acet regulator that works but you don't use anymore, let me know  :dremel:



It would be very helpful if we knew what part of the world you are from. Then maybe you might even find someone local to help you with your problems.


Overland Park, KS....  It's on the South-ish side of the Kansas City metro area if that helps (midwestern United States).  I won't be there much until summer (mid may), but if somebody is in the area I could arrange to meet up on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.  Right now I'm in Manhattan, KS and don't have the outfit or the tanks with me, but if any of you guys are near here I could still go for meeting up just to shoot the breeze, discuss projects, etc.


They only problem I have with buying regulators used is they are like a cheap watch spring may be working fine when you buy it. And the second time you use it it goes bong! Better to save up or see if the local weld supply will give you an exact estimate on the costs of repairs of the one you already own first while saving up.



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