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If say the fork size is 39mm then the final bore with the mill would be that size then a quick pass in and out with fine sanding flap or rub round with 600 wet & dry to finish it off to get a slide in fit :D

So as i said hears a little bit of work i did on a mounting bar for the front indicators. will finish them next week with a trip over the polisher from hell my three horse power rip your arm's off will kill you if a grinding stone brakes up thing. so what do you lot think of my cheapey DRO set up dont all laff  :lol: :lol: :lol: it works and i have a set up on the lathe as well. and yes i no the vice is crap i hardly ever use one working off the table with clamps most of the time. but the two taped holes had to go in at 20 degrees off 90 from the bed so it was up for the job. please feel free to take the piss about the way i went about the job.

one bit of 1" HE 30 alloy bar
drill 4/ 8.2mm holes right through
drill 2/ 5mm 20mm deep holes and tap for m6 bolt
mill a flat to one side 125mm long and 5mm deep
mill two flats for two 8mm nut's an washers to sit flat

I'm very disappointed with you now,  :poke:

Couldn't find anything to laugh about, looks good to me, works dunit  :ddb:

Nice work there as always...... :thumbup:

That looks a nice piece of work  :clap: :clap:

Thanks for showing.



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