The Shop > Finishing

Home Anodizing Bench

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Thanks guys.

I just noticed that the last pic is not current. I'll see if I can get a more recent photo of the bench with its finished top.



--- Quote from: TLGriff on October 01, 2013, 01:47:53 PM ---So far, everything I've anodized has turned out flawless, so it must be a pretty simple process if I can handle it.

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Or you have just some  :proj:

And this effin rocks..  :mmr:

I was thoroughly impressed.  Especially by your finished product.  It does seem like quite a bit of work for just the occasional part though - do you have plans do go larger scale and maybe do stuff for others?  Or maybe you do enough yourself to justify it?


--- Quote from: sparky961 on October 01, 2013, 05:59:22 PM ---I was thoroughly impressed.  Especially by your finished product.  It does seem like quite a bit of work for just the occasional part though - do you have plans do go larger scale and maybe do stuff for others?  Or maybe you do enough yourself to justify it?

--- End quote ---

Oh, we are justifying projects now?   :bugeye:

I actually built it for a product I'm developing but even so, I do make enough stuff to justify the effort.



A thoroughly professional job. Very impressive.



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