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A junkyard lathe and mill tool grinder

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Why make a new table make the jig fit the groove .


Can the motor rotate in both directions? Would that circumvent making a new table? If the problem is limited movement on x-axis.


Like Jeff said above, make a new slide that follows the groove. The slide can easily be nearly twice as long as the tabel which will allow for passing over the edges and still be quite stable. Done that you can also add a tool holder that can rotate around a center which will give possibilities for an angular scale of the same type as the Worden tables - see link



Thanks guys!  :beer:

I thought about  using the existing table and using a slide, but as Pekka said the problem wasn't just interference , but also the table isn't wide enough to get the tool tip at the periphery of the wheel. The motor isn't reversible I don't think -- at least by me. A slide extension is possible off the table, but I think the action of the wheel will tend to kick it down on the left side, without support.

I could extend the current table, and I think that would work. I might still do that if I don't like my early morning wake up solution, which is to just remove the table and substitute a piece of angle iron bolted to the left side of the guard where the current pivot bolt is located. Very simple. Maybe too simple.... :scratch:

I do think this will allow me to lower the height -- another problem of the Cleve jig I chose to make. The tool tip ends up pretty high. Okay on a larger wheel -- but this one is only 5" -- 125mm. I could abandon the jig if I don't like it -- nothing sacred about it, and the idea of a slide and retaining the old table does still appeal. It's a good one. Well lets just see how the angle iron works out. Not much to it.

Thanks very much for the feedback!  Nice to know a few people are following, and I appreciate all suggestions. :wave:

Following along, maybe a change of title?

Regards, Matthew


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