The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Hello....anybody there?

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You lot are a bit quiet today....

Knock, anybody in....?


My new job has been kicking my butt. That plus finishing up the last set of bike bits has been taking up all my shop time. Hopefully I will have some stuff coming up soon.


John Hill:
Good evening Darren,  what are you doing wasting time on the computer?  Should you not be down in your workshop making something?

It is morning here in Godzone where some of us have to go to work (and where we can play on the computer but still appear to be working).  Actually,  I have a few computers around me so I can keep an eye on everyone!

Monday morning is that John,

It's still Sunday of rest if you would believe that  :lol:

Hi Darren

It was such a nice bright spring day we went for a walk in the Peak Distric (Darbyshire) Tissington, Whilst there took a few pics of the drystone walling, Those drystone wallers would have qualified as  :mmr: they built those walls with the stones that were at hand and you can see that in the contruction of the walls and the varying skill of the waller. When you concider that ther is 1000 ands of miles of wall a lot 2 or 3 hundered or even more years old they didn't do a bad job.

Just a few photos of the old country




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