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Hello Everyone,

I just stumbled across this forum, just how I find most things. I recognize a few names from one another group I have frequented. 

After looking around little, I find the premise of this group very interesting.  It seems like it is geared toward a much broader array of pursuits than most.

About myself:

I currently sell mobile and industrial hydraulic components, mostly farm and construction related stuff. For the first 25 years of my working life i was welder, fabricator, and mechanic in the truck equipment business. Dump hoists, cranes, snow plows, etc.

I have always enjoyed the design and fabrication mechanical things and frankly just about anything!  From a clay pot to a moon rocket. When I see some intriguing object or process, my first thought is - How is it done? - The next is could I do it?  Now, I know I won't be building moon rockets, but I know that there are many things I can do if I take the time to teach myself by reading, research, and just plain trial and error (hopefully not to much error). Self taught education has it's limitations though.  There are many ways to do things, some much better than others. I don't wish to reinvent something just cause I haven't seen how it is done by those that know how. Sometimes the best way to learn is by watching someone else do it (monkey see..).  Then you take what you learn and your own skills and abilities and come up with your own method.

I hope I peek over the groups collective sholder and learn how you do things and maybe I'll be able conribute something back sometime.


Here is a little fun thing I recently made just to see it work:

Hi Allen

Love the double pendulum  :headbang: I guess by varying the weights and length of the rods you'll also change its movements.  :smart:

I think you're going to fit in well with the  :borg: looking forward to seeing more of your projects, and contribution to the forum.



I love that you just built it to see what it would do! You obviously have some experince & can add to this forum. I really like that you built it just because!

Anyhow, Welcome & post pics of what you build & how you build it!  :headbang:

Divided he ad:
Awww Al..... That's just not fair, I haven't completed my last 6 projects and your teasing me with another "fun" one.....  :hammer:

Well, I suppose I'd best still welcome you even if you have just increased my workload  :lol:   

Welcome to the collective :borg: .  As Stew and Brian have said..... You'll certainly fit right in  :ddb: 

You're going to have to supply us with materials like the video slowly, else we'll all grind to a halt trying to make too many things at once  :)

Have fun  :thumbup:


Hey Allen,

Welcome to the collective  :borg:

Interesting Pendulum. I was just playing Jeopardy with the missus last night and that was a video question. They showed a one with 3 arms.

Got some build pictures of it?



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