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Newest (Huge) Project

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I just got a PM from a member asking why I haven't finished my engine, and I thought I'd post this by way of explanation.

Yes, I've embarked on yet another thing to build.  No, it's not another crazy idea (I've had more than my share), and I'm not the one actually building it, so it will be completed.  It's a front porch for the house.  The ground is still frozen here, so it hasn't been started yet.  The natural gas line comes in to the right front, and regulations state that you have to hand dig (no machinery) within 2 feet of a gas line.

Before (when we were painting the house):

Windows have since been replaced with new energy efficient ones (and new trim), and the roof was also done last year.  The tree and all the bushes in the front yard were cut down last summer as well.


This is the rendering I used for obtaining archetectual review board approval late last fall.  It's done in Solidworks.  One thing I specified in the contract was that there was no painting and minimal maintenance.  That means vinyl clad railings and posts, composite decking, aluminum wrapped or vinyl trim.  Gonna cost me almost 20 grand all told.  I'm saving a little by purchasing my own lights (which they will rough in) and doing the demolition (it's fun to break things!).  Sidewalk was demolished (by hand!) last fall, but that's as far as we got before the snow started.  Outside water faucet will have to be relocated, but that's no big deal since I put it in myself.

Building permit has been issued, and I expect the contractor to start digging next week.  I just wanted the crumbling steps fixed, wife wanted a porch.  The things we do for love...

John Stevenson:
20K ? wow.

Built this kitchen extension from the ground up, new footings, raft and brickwork out of reclaimed bricks to match the rest of the house.

Part built up to roof level. We managed to get away with planning as there was an old building on the site of this shape, old wash house etc.
They told us if we knocked it down we would have to apply for new permission and keep up with modern regs so we told them we were knocking it down wall at a time, rebuilding and then doing the next wall.
They didn't like it but stuff it they don't pay the mortgage  ::)

Bit of cheating and this is what it's like now.

I recon it stands me at about 10 K including the new kitchen fittings.


Hey Roger, bet you'll get your project done before I get mine done.  :lol:



How are those cupboards coming along?   :lol:

Cheers  :beer:



--- Quote from: dsquire on March 15, 2009, 06:17:34 AM ---Bernd

How are those cupboards coming along?   :lol:

Cheers  :beer:


--- End quote ---

Exactly.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :ddb:   :ddb:   :ddb:


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