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Tubing bender

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Good one Ralph its nice to see you giving Aeolipile a mention I was going to give you a  :poke: but no need now.

Look forward to next installment.


Divided he ad:
John, I have learnt that when you haven't got a 5mm end mill, use the 6mm you do and make the other bit fit it  :thumbup: Seems to have worked so far  :)
I've also used a detail of three from the one you showed me... I'm always absorbing something when I come to visit  :med: You'll see it soon enough  :thumbup:

David and I have had a chat about the plans.... I'm not thinking they can be posted?

--- Quote ---I take it this going to be a "small" tubing bender. Probably call it more of a pipe bender.
--- End quote ---
You say pipe I say tube.... You've no doubt heard another version of that phrasing?  :)

It'll probably do a 10mm annealed tube though   :thumbup:

Erm... Eric, you'll see soon.... I'm not too sure about publishing the pic's?

Stew, I knew you'd be getting itchy about the Aeolipile.... It's been niggling me too!!

Soon, it'll all start to work, I hope  ::)

Thanks to all for the positive posts  :clap:


Ralph I remember once reading a disscusion on a forum about "pipe" and "tube".

Tube usally meant a thin wall, were as pipe was something heavier. For example a water pipe. Much thicker than EMT (electrical conduit over here). But then I ask why do they call it an exhust pipe why not an exhust tube since the exhust uses a much thinner wall. :scratch: Rather confusing, and I'm getting  :offtopic: here.

Now I remember what the disscusion was a "tube bender" versus a "pipe bender". Ok that's enough disscusion, on with your subject.


Twinsquirrel David,

If you send me an email, you will get plans by return.


Thanks John, PM sent :D :D


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