Home Base > Introductions

Hello (well, what else can you say?!)

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Darn late to the party again.

A big HI Jerry and welcome to the collective  :borg: ( You have been assimilated )  :D

Pretty good range of interests. Aught to make for some interesting projects.

And we do require lot's of pictures of any of your projects. See we have a hard time reading. :lol: But pictures are easier for us. As we say  :worthless: but put the pics in the proper topic.  :headbang:



--- Quote from: jemglen on March 04, 2009, 05:19:14 PM ---
at the other end of the scale, a 25cc BSA Winged Wheel (currently in pieces but one day...),

--- End quote ---

Hi Jerry welcome aboard sounds like you've got a dose of  :proj:  you'll have fun here.

Now winged wheels I can remember them beasts from the early 50's a chap who lived near use had one I can remember being intrigued by them, that sort of idea is making a bit of a come back in the form of these electric bikes you see around, looking forward to some photos.



Thanks for the welcome chaps  :D

Bogstandard: That's the problem, too many pies, not enough fingers!

Divided He ad: Yes, the cheeriness on this site is what is so appealing... Interesting you worked on Land Rovers, can I ask where that was? This is the first diesel I've had, following many 2.25 petrol examples. Took me ages to get used to the lack of petrol/oil smell -- it just doesn't feel like a Land Rover without it. Thirty-something to the gallon is a BIG consolation though  :)

I'll post some pics of the various 'projects' once I've settled in a bit.

Thanks again.


Hi Jerry, a big welcome to you.  :wave:

My pal sold his old Landy 2yrs or so ago.......

"Herby" sent him a card each christmas!  ::)

Last week "Herby" came back home again!  :bugeye:

A funny lot, you Landy owners......  ::)

You`ll fit right in......  :thumbup:



Thanks for the welcome David  :thumbup:

Agree about LR owners beng a funny lot... slow, drafty, poor fuel economy, deafening noise in the cab, steering more like a boat, yet still we love 'em  :D


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