The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Plane refurbishment


I found this in a box of junk at the in laws.  The other bits weren't in the box. Total length is about 3 inches.  A bit of internet research reveals it is a Stanley 101 plane.

After some hunting around I found the blade from a toy plane and ground it down to size using an angle grinder and then a bench grinder.  Rubbing on an oil stone made the surfaces more or less flat.

I took two bits of steel, clamped them together and drilled down the middle.  Then I realised I was too close to the edge  :doh: so I did it again.

After looking at some photos on the web some filing, drilling, tapping and painting gave me this.  The radius on the shoulders is not a good match to the original type but that won't affect the function.

Another junkbox yielded a knurled screw.

Then I put it all together and it actually seems to cut quite well.

I don't know that I actually have any use for it but I didn't want to throw it out.


Excellent! As a block plane it will be useful for planing edge grain, provided the throat is uniform and relatively narrow.

If needed, the plane iron seat can be shimmed closer to the edge of the throat, or even built up, and the slot edge can be made square. I would think it will work fine! Very glad to see old tools rescued.


Nice find on the Stanley body. Good imagination on finding bits and pieces to rework. You now have a treasure in your tool colection that can tell a story and bring back memories in the years to come. Be sure to pass it on to your kids so they will treasure it as well.
So much for sharing it with us.

Cheers  :beer:



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