Gallery, Projects and General > How do I??


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Bourne Bill:
I just scored a treadmill and its in working condition. I was thinking of using it as a motor on my Jet mill, but being only 3/4 H.P. 8 amps,I dont think its powerful enough. Any Ideas on what else I could use it for?

What type of Jet mill, if this one then yes I suppose it is a little on the small side. But I suspect you mean a smaller one  :scratch: got a pic or link.

Welcome to the forum BTW,

Hi Bill

As Darren said a photo would be helpfull   :worthless:

If you do a search on the forum ther's a couple in threads that can help you with this.

I take it the treadmill is the type you get at gym.

Could you use the motor to make a post grinder for your lathe ?. Or a buffer.

Have fun

John Hill:
A 3/4 HP motor that takes 8amps?  Sounds like a low voltage (80 volts or so)  DC motor?  If thats what it is and it is a permanent magnet type you have the makings of a good wind turbine generator!

An easy test, short the wires together and see if it is hard to turn with your fingers, if so it is likely to make an effective low voltage generator and might be a candidate for EBay if you dont have a need for it.

Hey Bill!

1st Welcome to the collective  :borg:
2nd I really don't have an answer for you... these guys might!
3rd I got rid of the duplicate posts. Hope you don't mind... easier to follow the thread if there is only one.



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