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Making a Toolpost T Bolt

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You are not alone with the die nuts.

People just starting out buy these cheap tap and die sets from markets and other cheap outlets little knowing that they aren't for cutting threads, but for cleaning up threads that have already been cut. The only problem is that they are not very good for even doing that.
Correct HSS hex die nuts are usually a lot more expensive than a HSS split die, and are used a lot in the auto repair industry, for cleaning and repairing threads after the bolts or studs have been knocked about when removing them.


John Hill:
The Artful Bodger recommends using one of these as a tap handle!

A four jaw one grips the top of the tap nicely,  you get good feel for nearing the breaking point of those little taps,  you get a good feel for starting straight and of course your can really put the power on when required!

How do I fit that on the lathe?  :lol:

Nice idea though John, no struggling with that is there.. :dremel:

John Hill:

--- Quote from: Darren on February 26, 2009, 03:31:37 PM ---How do I fit that on the lathe?  :lol:

--- End quote ---

Umm, I just move the tailstock out of the way and use the ratchet on the brace. :scratch:

A little pressie turned this morning, a 10mm die  :)

It has an unusual feature that I have not seen before? A little adjusting screw

Also note the lead in taper on the correct side

BUT, it has a bigger taper on the back/wrong side as well, I'm stumped, how do you thread up to a shoulder with this  :scratch:

The adjusting screw head

Anyways, I decided to set to and cut the thread, My bar was turned to 9.7mm but it was still tough going.
Then this happened

I just about bodged it and got the thread cut with the two halves, but it's not right. Even with the die closed tight the thread is still very tight.
But it works, just

I have emailed the seller with the pic of the broken die. I've never managed to break one before has anyone else broke one?

A tad disappointed


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