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Another Bogstandard recomendation

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Hi Scott

Thanks for the welcome, I am looking forwards to actually being able to cut metal again. ( the CO does actually do quite well for the price)


Hi Eric

              "So whatcha into??"

tricky question !!!!!

I am studying to be a watch / clockmaker.




--- Quote from: malcolmt on February 24, 2009, 07:51:06 PM ---...

I am studying to be a watch / clockmaker.

--- End quote ---

Very cool!


I used to be a qualified electrician, plumber, and registered gas installer, until i had a nervous breakdown (still recovering). Unfortunately i also have severe arthritus in my knee's and hips which prevent me from returning to the building trades, so i thought long and hard about what to do next and, as i can fix things (a logical mind) i decided that a clock / watch maker was the obvious choice, i can still use my BRAIN ? and hands to fix things but i can do it sitting down.


Hi Malcolm, a very big welcome.

What's a brain?

The collective  :borg:  here yanked out what I had left and replaced it with an old Timex mechanism.

Now I know who to come to for repairs.

Just enjoy yourself and feel free to let us in on a few of your projects.



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