The Craftmans Shop > General Crafts

Fibre Optic Clock.

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Well it's been a long time coming folks but here it is at last :pinkelephant: :pinkelephant: The VID. Hope you like, although Ralph (the bloke who made the vid). is not too happy with it.

Cheers Dek :old:

Hi Dek,

It was a real pleasure to drive over to see the wondrous creation the other Sunday. It's even more impressive in real life than in the video!  :bugeye: :bow:

The amount of work involved doesn't bear thinking about and it puts me to shame - I really ought to get a few projects finished and stop making tools to make tools.




This is the third time I've clocked in since you posted the vid.  :palm:

I'm still speechless. Completely gobsmacked by it's beauty and complexity!  :bugeye:

Blummin, WELL DONE, Dec.  :clap: :clap: :clap:

David D

Thanks very much for the kind words Phil & David.  :thumbup: I am quite pleased with the way it turned out. When you sometimes have to wait months for the right bit of scrap bar to arrive at the scrapyard, it is easy to lose interest, but I got there in the end. I might add, with a lot of encouragement from all you chaps on here. :poke: :poke: :poke: So once again THANK YOU ALL. :thumbup:

Cheers Dek. :med:

To do your wonderful work justice, PLEASE got someone with a real video camera to make your next video. :bow:


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