The Craftmans Shop > Radio Control Models
Steam launch
Hi Made a mess of my logging in so this is my new user name.
This is the finished project (well really I still have things to do but its on the water).
Hi, this is very beautifull, but I have a bit of hardtime to view you're picture. It's to big so I have to scroll. It would be much easy to view if the picture is half the size... :headbang:
Yes it would be a lot better if you cropped most of the water out, as that adds nothing to your shot. And as suggested a good size for forums is around 800pixels to 1,000pixels on a side.
You will find that for most computer set up that will be a lot better.
As bigger isn't better!
Not much good at this computer lark :bang: so sorry about that.
This Youtube link might be more informative.
Not a problem Mark... People on here will help you get through your computer stuff...
That is a nice looking steam launch!
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