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Scrap yards

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--- Quote from: cedge on February 11, 2009, 05:51:16 PM ---This guy is a real stereotypical hillbilly character who, it is said, has been known to express his displeasures with his trusty shootin' iron. To say he's a wee bit touchy would be akin to saying nitro-glycerin is just a wee bit explosive.

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:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Ol' Red, Steve I bet these guys think you are exaggerating, LOL. If only they knew. Guys Red is like that lil bitty chiuahua that the biggest of dogs just let be. But he's a good man for his age. He must be 112 years old. I know Im off topics sorry. LOL We could have a thread on this fella.
BTW, he aint shaking no bodies god D@#n hand, stupidest F#$%ing thing we do.  :lol:

There are two rough old characters I've met that just can't be exaggerated. One is Red, the other is a guy called Popcorn Sutton. If you honestly describe either one of them you sound like you are telling tall tales.

Popcorn is a bootlegger of the old school variety who, until recently, roamed the North Carolina / Tennessee border area. He got busted when one of his sheds caught fire while he was away from the farm. When the local fire brigade put out the fire, they discovered his creative plumbing. Popcorn arrived and tried to convince them it would make a good secret among friends, but alas, they took him into custody. He demanded a grand jury be convened which did not make the local government happy, since some of them were apparently customers who might have their names mentioned in the process.

He is now sitting in federal prison for the next few years. A google search will fetch quite a number of articles about the old guy. He is quite the rapscallion and has been all his life.


The worst we get here (in the UK) is a surly bloke with a nice line in oaths and a nasty-looking dog...  maybe a bit easier than dealing with 'shootin' irons' though  :bugeye:

Not like my younger days (put in your 'middle-aged bloke reminiscing' ear plugs now) when I would spend many happy hours climbing over, under and between stacked scrapped cars looking for interesting gauges or else piercing fuel tanks with a screwdriver and draining off fuel for my field bike (ie no longer legal Honda C50)


I had a visit to the scrap metal yards with no success. I wasn`t shofered out of the door but they looked pretty uninterested and just pointed me towards a large brass bin and it was just full of piping, valves and taps, no bar at all. There was a little but of brass plate but it was only a couple of mm thick and I didn`t want to cause a fuss asking for a price and them wanting too much, I just left it. I also asked about ally and he just shook his head - what you don`t know what it is, never seen it, don`t have any? Either way, I gave up and walked out disappointed.



10 squid at the scrap yard can buy you quite a bit of stuff, with scrap buiety is more than skin deep you have to think what can I make that into. Also the stock changes in scrap yards hour to hour regular visits pay off, and a bag a donuts for the not to helpful staff works wonders.



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