The Shop > Tools

Chuck stop

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To compliment Ralph's mill backstop, here is one for your lathe chuck.

This is an extract from an email I sent to a good friend.

Find attached a C-o-C for a chuck backstop. You might need to find out if the morse taper can fit thru your chuck, if it does, then just use a length of bar to tap it back out from the rear of the spindle when you have finished. I have turned the tapered bit down before now, so it isn't as wide at the big end, just to get it to fit thru the chuck. With all my backstops, I just turn up a range of rod lengths and diameters and use what is required for the job.

I hope it can be understood.


SPiN Racing:
OK Waitaminute...

Insert Noob comment here.

My Lathe has.. the ability for rod to be passed through it. I think 0.8 diameter.  Are you saying that.. the end of it might be a MT taper? Inside the threaded end? (Threaded where the chuck goes onto it)

Im at work or I would bundle myself up and go out to the garage and check.


If it is any sort of normal lathe it should have a morse taper socket in the spindle nose.
Going by the diameter you have mentioned, it would most probably be 3MT.

If it is a 3MT, you could easily take your chuck off and mount in MT collets. Just make yourself a drawbar to hold them in and tighten them up, away you go, precision machining. But only for short lengths of material.


Thanks John

To suit my particular lathe, which has very limited space behind the chuck - well actually there isn't any space at all. I shall modify the soft MT3 taper by removing all the excess overhang and fitting with a threaded rod and lock nut as per C-o-C

John S

Nice one John.

Where did you get the blue C-o-C from?



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