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Steamtoys Charity Steamup, 2012.........


Next Saturday, around a dozen or more members of the Steamtoy forum, (and several Modders), are having their annual steam up........

It is in aid of the Rainbows Children's Hospice.       http://www.rainbows.co.uk/the-hospice/

The date is Saturday, 2nd of June.

The venue is The Wellington Inn, Nottingham rd., Eastwood , Notts. NG16 3GH

Things should be under way from around 11.00.

Not all steamtoys...... I will be showing Gold Blend, Huxtable, 4 cylinder Mamod (Quobble).

Here are a few posts from last year.........   


A couple, with video.......



Anyone dropping in to say hello will be very welcome!  :thumbup:

David D


This posting didn't produce much, on forum, activity.

But, behind the scenes, several Modders gave very generously.  :beer:

A couple of days back, Pete the Steam and I, handed over a cheque..... For £1,369!  :bugeye:

Quit frankly...... I had a lump in me throat, an a tear in me eye.......

I won't name names, you know who you are...... Sincerely, Lads........ Here's a very big, THANK YOU!

David D


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