The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Winter in the UK

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We're doing just great where we are, just a light dusting, and now it has almost all gone, it is nice to have a hill and mountain range on either side to keep it all away.


Glad you guys a coping with that white stuff.

What you got there we usally see in a quick over night snow fall. The one's that get us is when they call for 12" to 18" snow. The ones that get hit the worst are the people that live on the south east side of Lake Ontario. They sometimes get 2 to 3 feet of snow at once. What's really bad is when the wind blows at 30mph or more.

I think we should box all this white stuff up and sent it to the guys in Oz. They need the water and cold.  :D


Shortage of water in Oz never stopped them having a boat race.

Saw the Mighty Todd river when we were at Alice Springs a few years ago :-   All Sand no water, it only has water flowing avery two a three years

 :lol: :lol: :lol:  :lol:



All our local schools are shut and there's not even any snow on the roads today....

Bah, teachers, they're just the same as the kids, any excuse !!

Divided he ad:
Nope.... No snow ball fights here... I'm injured  :(

Slipped and landed the best part of my 16 stone frame on the side of my left knee  :doh:  .... I'm limping along like Long John Silver!   ::)

Still, pool down the pub tonight.... There might always be a snowball fight in the car park??

It's thawing already too !!! The kids have been in school and most of us have been to work.  I only did a bit this afternoon as the boss living on a steep hill, they couldn't get the vans out this morning, I just chilled out for a while  :med:   :)



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