The Shop > Electronics & IC Programing

Checking stepper motors.

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Hi guys,

A few years ago I acquired a couple of smallish stepper motors. I am now having a bit of a clear-out and dont know wether to throw them out or not.
I do not know if they work or not, and I dont even know how to test them.
Is there a cheap (free) way of finding if they are worth keeping?


Depends what they are  :scratch:

Any part numbers?

How many wires?

Any Pics.?

What are they out of ?
If they have been ripped out of some obscure machine, it's possible they are not steppers but Brushless DC motors.


John Rudd:
If you have a multimeter (dvm) you could test the windings for equal resistance and you could hand crank the spindle and measure the voltage from the windings....Ultimately a stepper driver would be best..

John Stevenson:
If they are identical wire them together colour to colour and spin one, the other should turn identically.

John S.

David Jupp:
Mechanically you should be able to check for play / roughness in the bearings - just turn / wobble by hand. 


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