The Craftmans Shop > Model Engineering
Hi George,
Nice model. I did a google search for plans and turned up empty. I wouldn't even know were to start looking. Are there any groups out there on the net that might be able to help?
I'd really like to see you finish that.
Hi guys
Thanks for the comments; thanks to 'yorkshireman' for the link to pictures :beer:. I have googled the net as well ..same result.Have also made contact with '' & '' for info' & both have photos of scale models from 'Dragon' & 'Trumpeter' (both Chinese model manufacturers) but no plans as such :bang:.
Not to worry though, as I said it is on my to do list, & it's going to be a looooong term project but in the meantime my priorities have been imprinted(decided) by SWMBO :bow: .. kitchen & bathroom revamp #1&2 (now that the rads & boiler have been replaced).. then :scratch: a suggestion from long suffering wifey brought heartening news :) why not convert the garage into your workshop, it would be more secure than an outside shed... :bugeye:! (I did hint at this a long time back, but what the h**l, ssshh keep my mouth shut! :Doh:).It makes sense as it would not entail any foundation work, concrete pad laying etc, so there's a few bob saved straight away & as I am looking to retire in the autumn(fall for our cousins across the pond :palm:) every penny saved means more toward the conversion ...OOOps kitchen & bathroom revamp :Doh:
Anyhow thanks for the interest & assistance, will keep y'all posted as I progress.
Hi George -
I recently found your post regarding drawings for the German K5e Leopold railgun. I realize your last post was in February 2012 but thought I'd reach out.
I've been working with drawings and photos of the K5e to design many 1 1/2" scale working parts drawings. Perhaps I have something you can use.
Have you been working on your railgun project ?
- Jimi -
Harvard, MA USA
Hi Jimi
Nice to hear from you, & the offer is very much appreciated, I haven't touched the model since I got it, it's been on the waaaaay back burner until I got hold of some plans. I have since converted the garage to my workshop, had the kitchen & bathroom redone & now, having retired I thought 'yay me time'... NOT! once family & others latch on I've had very little time in the garage, it's always been 'can you, will you, baby sit, dog sit, plus hospital appointments for both me & my wife etc..... I had more time off when I was working... family think you're not entitled to a life when you retire... I digress :offtopic:
I would very much appreciate any dwgs you have in pdf format I could possibly use.
Ha, Mechman,
Welcome to the world of retirement. I don't know many retired folk who do not wonder how they found time to work. Anyway, you do have a project ahead.
I wonder if the US military museum just might have some plans liberated from Krupps after the war? Can only ask?
Good luck ,
John B
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