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Gradating tool

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Gerhard Olivier:
That is nicely done I assume its is a rack and gear :scratch:(flat gear and a round one????)that does the pushing.

Seems a lot more work but then that is half the fun



--- Quote from: geroli on January 19, 2009, 01:53:57 PM ---...I assume its is a rack and gear ...
--- End quote ---
Correct - at the time I was into gear-cutting and had just cut a shed load of gears for a geometric chuck so one rack and one more small gear was not a problem.

I use engraving tools very similar to the ones shown here, so I do any graduating on my mill. For straight I use the vice, and for circular graduations, the rotary table.

Not as easy to use as a graduating tool because I have to think about engraving distance, but it does me for the small amount I want.



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