The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Car Fuel

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Looked at the link for the kits that I remember seeing. It has a heated tank and filtering equipment. Should be easy to do on my own!



Now to find a small diesel to stick in a trike frame....

22mm copper water pipe, short length say 8", 15mm adapters on each end, connect in fuel line.

Wrap 10mm microbore around it and feed coolant fluid through this to heat the oil/fuel.
Veg oil or diesel will be fine with this set-up

Or find a car with a heated fuel filter fitted as standard, many have this. Peugeot engined cars and most volvos I believe.
Not sure what you will find in the US but you have colder areas there than here so there should be plenty to choose from.

Not a lot of Peugeots here. Volvos yes... not sure about the diesel models. VW has one here.


You prob already know this but I'll put it up for those that don't

The diesel engine was invented before before diesel was around. The fuel was named after the engine it was refined for.

Dr. Rudolph Diesel invented the engine and designed it to run on peanut oil, al la vegetable oil. Realistically the engine has changed little in design since and so it follows that it will run on vegetable oil quite happily.

Beware though, this does not apply to the latest breed of high pressure diesel engines. There is a theory about that these have been designed for the petroleum companies to keep a hold on their dominance with fuel oils over veggi trends. Aided and abetted by the more powerful governments. Lets face it, the two are almost the same.

Very early industrial diesels could also run on powdered coal. So out with the pickaxes lads.



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