The Shop > Finishing

Anodizing aluminium without battery acid

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The easiest way to check the concentration of an acid would be to use a hydrometer, preferably a scientifical one calibramated to the correct destiny... (erm, that's just to show you how good at this science stuff I am!) There's other ways (titration is probably the most accurate), and I bet there's a dozen ways my severely oxidised A-level chemistry has long forgotten.

PS: If your hydrometer dissolves, then don't use whatever it is you tried to measure!

I have read that it is possible to use oxalic acid for anodizing but I've not found any details.  I suspect that's easier to find as it can  be used for cleaning.  On the same tack I've wondered whether you could use stewed rhubarb leaves.  :scratch: They're supposed to have enough oxalic acid to make you ill.  Of course you might have to put up with everything being anodized green.  :lol:


Wondering about the acid side of the process I did find this site where lemon juice is used. Frankly I would have gone for citric acid. Most people use sulphuric acid and some find using a stronger solution of acid allows a faster dyeing time. Who knows? some experimentation with vinegar (Acetic acid), Hydrochloric (muriatic) acid could be done if you are into anodizing.

  Anyway, here's the link if you are interested,
Worth a read at least in my humble opinion.

John B


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