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Well you have to start somewhere !

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Well Bernd, when I first got the urge to make something on my new mini lathe two years ago, I bought a little book 'How to make Simple Steam Engines' and this was the result. It ran for all of 30 seconds before self destructing. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Had the soft solder on the boiler succumbed to the pressure it could have been the end of a very brief foray into the world of model engineering.


You never showed me that one John.

Lucky it did stop, otherwise that could have been mounted on your headstone.

But at least you had a damned good go at it, and I also bet, you were well proud of it when it was finished (before running that is).


Nice little engine there John.

Soft solder on a boiler, wow.  :bugeye: Glad you didn't get hurt.

But it looks like there is a saftey valve on it near the top or is that something else? I talking about that cap with the O-ring under it.


A lot of the early toy engines had soft soldered boilers, many of which still run. As long as the pressures are set for below 1 bar or 15 psi operation it doesn't usually create a problems, unless the soldering is badly done  or has cracked with age, damage or has improper repairs. Jensen was the only company using silver solder for many years and they used it only after about 1935, when it became more publicly available. 

I've seen much worse.... trust me. Nice go at the thing.

Steve ea

I was just thinking of the boiler running out of water and melting the solder joints to the point of the boiler falling apart.  :bugeye:

My dad had steam engines like that back in Germany in the mid-1930's. He often mentions playing with them. He said they used to hook saws and drills and such up to the steam engine. Said he would play for hours. Can you imagine a kid of preteen years plaing with something like that today, and unsupervised, he said. He's still got his eyes and fingers. :)



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