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Hello Guys

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Well thanks for the warm welcome Guys. Definitely much warmer  than my workshop which at the moment is hovering around the zero mark – roll on Spring.

I probably will post a few pics of my engines for those amongst you who may be interested.  Whilst I admit to being very proud of my achievements in building little engines the whole thing is relative. My engines will never win prizes in competitions or grace the cover of Model Engineer magazine but to me they represent the acquisition of skills I have always envied in other people. The sheer joy of making each component, fitting them together and seeing the end result spring to life to me is unsurpassable.  My biggest problem was learning to slow down and take my time. Not being too disheartened when something I’ve been working on for hours goes in the scrap bin.

The thing I like is that our hobby that can be enjoyed at any level of competence.  The free availability of advice, ideas and inspiration from genuine enthusiasts keeps our interest alive – I just wished I had started years ago.

Hey ! Have I landed on a site that has model railway enthusiasts ?  I have just set up a short branch line on a shelf in my workshop with an automatic shuttle control so my only loco trundles back and forth while I work away - it all looks a bit spartan and needs some more interest adding but I am not sure where to go next.

Anyway, a Healthy and Happy New Year to you all.



--- Quote from: JohnS on December 31, 2008, 05:46:38 AM ---
Hey ! Have I landed on a site that has model railway enthusiasts ?  I have just set up a short branch line on a shelf in my workshop with an automatic shuttle control so my only loco trundles back and forth while I work away -

--- End quote ---

Well lets see it then  :D

Welcome btw, there's a lot more to be learned here than one first realises, simple pic's inc.

Have fun  :)

You asked to see it Darren so here's my lone loco - not much else to show 'cept a long shelf ! It would be good to add a little more interest to it - more from an operational point of view than just adding scenery which would soon suffer from workshop fall out. Any ideas for further development would be most welcome.



My first hobby is model railroading, then comes live steam, and then comes........ :) you get the point.

I've also started a model railroad in my basememnt across the aisle from the machine shop.  :clap:

It's a bit further along than the pictures show, but not much. Still in the process for trying to finish building the house.

Here's a direct link to the "Otter Creek Falls Railroad Company"  http://www.frontiernet.net/~thecat/On30.htm

The scale is "O" and the gauge is 30", On30 or On2 1/2. Bascially it's O scale running on HO gauge track.

To many hobbies and not enough time to do them all.    :)

BTW that is my model railroad site. It's quite outdated when it comes to what I want out model railroading. I leave it up because it's free from my ISP provider. Never know might have to move my regular web site over there someday.

Now about that scale of your engine, :med:  it looks to be HO or OO.  :scratch: So which is it?


Divided he ad:
Hi John  :wave:

Glad you took the plunge... You should like it here... Everyone is nice, and helpfull.

You do realise with your tallents you will be having to answer questions.... You've got some major mechanical experience to share.... You've made some awesome engines so you have to be classed well out of newbie now...

What's the next stage called? Cause I think your well on your way through that from the work I've seen!!!

Good to see you here,  :thumbup:



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