The Craftmans Shop > PowerSports

rg500 One off special

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Some of you guys may be 2 stroke fan so may like to see my rg500 im building ? well almost finished now but i kept a good log of pictures
It started about 2 years ago i managed to locate a 500 engine and all the electrical bits and a good set of exhaust pipes. at first i was going to put the motor into a zxr400 chassis but once id mounted the engine it looked all wrong i wasnt happy just at this time a aprilia rs250 frame appeared on ebay so i bought it and set about modifying it to fit the 500 motor, it took a bit of thinking and some clever ideas but soon the motor was fitted and all looked good i was pleased at this point i only had the motro, frame and swing arm so gradually bought forks wheels and all the other bits as well as making a lot of stuff
I ended up with a really nice looking one off special. im at the point i need to strip it down and paint everything and reassemble which i plan in the next few weeks though the final bodywork paint may not happen for a few months as im skint.
anyway ill sort some pictures out and post them asap

mike os:
 :worthless: :worthless: :worthless: :worthless:

got the idea yet?  :D

Here you go
this is how she is now
the paint scheme ive decided on is this

Huge 2-stroke fan! Building a 535cc RZ/banshee hybrid. RD over there...

Let's see some more!

Did you see that guy in Germany that is doing a huge RG500 project?? Basically rebuilding a frame etc...


lets have some sound

these clips were took a while ago, turn the sound up


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