The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Bandit gets assaulted

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Not feeling too bad today, I decided to take bandit for a short walk on his lead to a local playing fields, so he could have a good run around and a lot of sniffs.

All of a sudden he was attacked from behind by a large German Shepherd. Supposedly it had watched us walk past the house, then squeezed itself thru the iron railings surrounding it's pen. I managed to get a good shot in and it freed him, but not before it had done the damage.

A quick call to the police and the dog warden had the owner and dog sorted.

Bandit took a little longer. A drive to the vets and a staple job on the very deep gash. The bill will be sent to the owner.

What would have happened if it had been a young child?

I am still in two minds whether to request the dog be put down.

BTW, Bandit is now playing on it, and the wife has been hand feeding him while he was laying down. As soon as we had a visitor, he was up like a shot, just like normal, licking their knees to death.


That just stinks.  There is absolutely no reason to have an agressive dog; blame it on the owners.  I have seen dogs of all shapes and sizes, and they can be as gentle as a lamb or a snarling menace.  It has no bearing on the breed, or size, just the training (or lack thereof) and treatment of the dog.

Feel no guilt if you have the attacker put down, and I hope Bandit feels okay in short order.

Sorry to hear Bandit got bit. Hope he has full recovery and is his old self soon.


Damn! I feel bad for Bandit. There is no excuse for the owner. If he has a dog that is aggressive, then it is the owner's responsibility for that dog to not get out and hurt someone or another pet. I can understand a little if the dog escaped by accident. But with the way you described it, the dog got lose very easily.

I have a German Shepherd. I love that dog to death. She is very gentle and kind, that is until you try to harm any of the family members.

How was the owner to you? Apologetic and remorseful or who gives a damn attitude?


Divided he ad:
Bloody hell John... That's a mean gash... Glad the little fella's ok... Knee licking... Sounds familliar!     :)

I'll have to bring him a treat on the weekend.... What's his favourite?



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