The Craftmans Shop > Backyard Ballistics

Making Chamber reamers

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Corvus corax:
For those of you who are interested in gunsmithing this is a good article.
Even if you have no interest in firearms, the techniques could be adapted to other types of reamers.

Excellent resource...that one went right into my bookmarks. Thanks!!  :thumbup:

Corvus corax:
It occurs to me that since it's sort of firearm related that I possibly should have posted it in the ballistics section.
I'm sorry if I did something wrong and if it's not suitable for this section would one of the mods please move it across.


You did nothing wrong. It's easy to fix. Your wish is my command. Moved to the Ballistics section.


Great find!  :headbang:

Information seems to be good too, after reading around a bit. The part about chambering is according to good practices and outlines the whole process very nicely!
Also recommended!


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