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CAD recommendations

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Country Bubba:
I have been using a couple of FREEWARE Acad look alikes.

For the past ~3 years, I have used Progecad smart (can be downloaded here
However the last version is the 2009 version and am not sure if they are going to update it. It has a couple of minor bugs, but has served me well. NOTE: it is for non-commercial use ONLY.

Recently, the makers of Solidworks has released a 2D package and again it is very much like Acad. The also have several tutorials in their forum and a fairly active users support in the forum.
This can be found at:

an internet connection is required (real e-mail address) for registration that is required, but they have not bugged me at all.
It is out of beta now and have issued SP1 however there are still a few issues that need to be fixed. :poke:

For 2d drawings, either is great.

Here's another free 2D cad with lots of tutorial and web help/support

I would sugest you download  both (and DraftSight) and see which takes your fancy.


John Stevenson:

--- Quote from: DaveH on May 24, 2011, 04:27:56 PM ---Here's another free 2D cad with lots of tutorial and web help/support

I would sugest you download  both (and DraftSight) and see which takes your fancy.


--- End quote ---

That's very good advise as CAD is like religion, there is no program that suits all.

It's a long road but it does pay to download a few and plan to spend at least three nights on each to see which program suits the way you work.

John S.

Thanks John S. for the advice on DraftSight - something that I can use on my Apple MacBook  :clap:    I have just downloaded here in Colorado. 

The Mac one is a Beta version but it will give me something to do on my current trip to the USA / UK visiting grandchildren (2 months away from my workshop :bang:)

Enjoyed the brief chat at Harrogate.



Many thanks everybody  :bow: I shall download some now and have a play

A few specific answers

--- Quote from: DaveH on May 24, 2011, 03:33:48 PM ---j45on,

Are you looking for 3D or just 2D.


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Just 2D for now

--- Quote from: dickda1 on May 24, 2011, 03:40:31 PM ---Have you tried the free version of Google Sketchup?  Free always gets my attention!


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I have but the free version will not output the files I need which is a shame as its easy to use


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