The Breakroom > The Water Cooler


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--- Quote from: Bernd on December 26, 2008, 10:39:17 PM ---
I've never been able to figure out how a cat scans you. What kind of device do they use or do they use there eyes?  :lol:

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I think it has to do with their eyes. You have seen cats eyes reflect back light in pitch black? Or how they look in a picture when a flash was used? Creepy. Plus I think there is lots of catnip involved.


All I know is that my MD warned me to carry the stent card at all times so that I don't wind up in an MRI machine.Seems that he mentioned something about metal heating up within in the magnetic field being a problem. It still bothers me a bit that there is a small metal spring lodged in there....sort of an un-natural thing in my mind..... LOL

The cat scan thing is easy... they hang a small cat toy on a string and swing it over you.... the cat simply has to watch the toy. The tricky part is retrieving the data he collects, with the computer. One connection point and it ain't exactly sterile.


Ah ya, the cat nip explains it all. Could be that's why my cat scans me all the time. She wants her "kitty marijana"  :lol:

Yep, your right. I forgot about the heat thing. I remember that to now. Don't feel to bad about it. I had three installed back when I was 45. Back when I was 49 they got plugged. I got a triple by pass from that deal. The stents were still a new thing when I got them. They hadn't been coated like the new ones are, I believe. I usally tell everybody I had three Bic Springs installed and the clicker don't work on more. :)

I think were still on topic here right? Splinters in the veins or something of that nature.  :lol:



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