The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Machining Bliss

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One day I will have iron that can handle that.

Can't wait to see the live steam take shape.


Bernd, yer Orgasm got away with itself, .0002" Ain't two tenths of an inch, not even a Metric inch.   :smart:

  But yes, Bridgies are a wondefull machine, brought upon them in a former life, I often regret not putting a power bulge in the workshop roof when I had a known quality one offered at a silly (well below market) price.

  Regards  Ian


I think we would all love to own big iron, but as usual, it isn't normally the cost, as they can be picked up for basically the same sort of readies that a good hobby mill costs, but the space to put it in.

I would have loved to get a full sized one, but had to settle for a slightly smaller clone, it is about 3/4 of the height, and even now, if I want to take the drawbar out of the head, I have to tilt the head right over. Thank goodness I went for easy extract R8, which takes only a small tap to release, if I had gone for MT3, which most of my tooling was originally, because there is a flourescent light only inches above the machine, if would have cost me a fortune in replaced tubes, smashed when wacking out the MT3 tapers.

If we didn't all have dreams, what would the future hold for us?



--- Quote from: bogstandard on November 30, 2008, 05:51:01 AM ---Ian,

 if I had gone for MT3, which most of my tooling was originally, because there is a flourescent light only inches above the machine, if would have cost me a fortune in replaced tubes, smashed when wacking out the MT3 tapers.


--- End quote ---

Hmmmm...something I had not quite thought about :thumbup:


Glad to see that you are using your mill and liking it. It is always a pleasure to use a good piece of equipment. :)

I look forward to watching for your engine building posts.  :wave:




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