The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Now here’s a deal!



I was at the auction looking for stuff and I stumbled on this old water bladder tank, I say old but in fact it was manufactured in 2007. Anywho When the bidding started I thought I was going to have a challenge in getting it as this was a farm auction and I was not the only red-neck trying to sniff out a bargain, but no one wanted it so I stole it for $7.00. in the truck it slid and arrived at the fab-shop, I am going to make it into a 200 gallon air receiver.

I decided to put a 2” Olet on for the air supply from the compressor and I went with 1-1/12 flanged out-let supply to work,  on the top I am putting a 1” olet for the Pop-Off valve and above the inlet another 1” for the air gage. At the bottom I am reducing the 2” down to a ˝” with a drain valve.

That's one big receiver !

What sort of pressure is a water tank good too ??

A large vessel of unknown origin, with unclear welds on it, is 'upgraded' to a pressurized air tank. Good Luck!
Where do you live, because I will never go near this thing...


its rated for 200lbs at ambient temp from the factory, in its life the working pressure would have been around 50=60Lbs.  my  working pressure will be around 125lbs, no one needs more than that. as too the welding i have held code certs for years, if its round and contains pressure ive probably welded it!!!!! ::)

will have a coat of paint tonight will try to have pics soon!!!    Happy days   Anthony


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