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Thanks for the pics and the comments. I have a set-up like yours (mostly completed)  on my TAIG, however the design for the mini lathe is to allow the use of the lathe's own supplied change gears to generate the index. Once you go to a plate based system such as yours , you need either CNC or a rotary table/mill  to generate the master plates! As far as the dremel in the toolpost goes, I have done a small amount of drilling and grinding with it and it seemed solid enough. However having said that I have recently replaced the turret toolpost with a QCTP and I haven't used it there. I was given a nice block of nylon a few days ago and I may make a full body clamp for the dremal that totally replaces the toolpost.


To make a dedicated index plate, couldn't you use the standard change wheels to do the indexing and a Dremil in the tool post to do the drilling?

What I was hinting at was using the change gears as indexing plates, but outside of the cover. Visualize using the change gears in place of my indexing plate. A quick change of a gear and you're off to the races again. Little Machine Shop offers a full set of extra change gears for $29.95 or you can get the 40 - 50 and 60 tooth gears for just under $16.00. Then you still have an intact gear train as well.

You could use the gears to cut an index plate, but the gears can also function as the plate. You're thinking is spot on :beer:



Yes I see your point about having it outside the end cover. That is easily doable with just a slightly longer arbor. Cover or no cover is not really an issue for me. The longer studs and the knurled nuts that retain the index attachment also serve to hold the end cover in place so no more using the socket head bolts that originally held it on. Ans yes of course you could use the change gears to produce a set of dedicated index plates going so far as to make an individual plate for each index, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8.........etc and this would eliminate counting holes  or gear teeth when doing an indexing operation. I guess if you do loads of it then this might be worth the effort. In actual fact I have a CNC 4th axis project on the back burner so for me at least , at some point this will all be redundant. I can easily use the CNC mill to produce an index plate with any desired index spacing so it really is a simple operation here in my shop. I already have 2 complete sets of mini lathe change gears so this is just the easy convenient and cheap way to go for me. I always take the path of least effort!


Having often argued somewhat loudly that there is no "one right way" to do most things, understand that I'm not trying to direct your efforts. My needs are as unique as your own and my design is not the be all for every need...LOL  Only you know what you want from a modification and that makes your way the right way for you. I'm just sharing ideas. 

The thumb screws for the cover, however, are not an optional thing... they are almost a have to have item. Mine are very low profile so the plate doesn't hit them.



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