The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

HMEM hit by spammer


Looks like somebody hit the HMEM website. A bunch of ads on top of the log in page.


I left a message for the admins over there. Unfortunately as a mod, there isn't a whole lot I can do over there. If it was just a post I could...


Ok, thanks for the heads up Eric.



--- Quote from: Circlip on November 30, 2008, 03:19:26 AM ---I gave the HMEM site the heads upon this one way back in the begining of October, Have you any thoughts on an alert area on this site Eric??

   Regards Ian.

--- End quote ---


The site suggestion board could work for that. Or are you thinking of something else? I can incorporate it.


A big red button Eric, or anywhere thats going to be taken notice of. Again,the frustrating thing was I spotted and informed in the area allotted for such problems and nowt was done untill surprise surprise the Sh1t was on the fan and everyone flapping round like headless chickens. We ALL know that Spammers/Virus generators should be suspended by the testicles before being shot, but that ain't going to happen in the near future, so an area PURELY for attacks on THIS site only may be a thought. The general warnings for problems found with other links could go into the notice board area, but would any time have been saved and would the problem have been headed off at the pass if they'd reacted earlier ? Hopefully it's fully sorted now.
  In the event of a panic button activation the only way to stop "I just pressed this to see what it did" merchants is to have a system that requires a member only log in, so at least you do have a record to deter abuse, a bit like Microsloths "Are you REALLY sure?" Perhaps you can sell this back to the servers Eric ?

 Regards  Ian


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