Author Topic: 'Merrer' Lathe?  (Read 3097 times)

Offline Serveta150

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'Merrer' Lathe?
« on: January 25, 2011, 02:08:44 PM »
Now then,

A work colleague has asked if I can help identify and assist with a bereavement valuation of a 'Merrer' Lathe. I have not come across this brand before and I don't think Tony Griffiths has either.

I'm sure it is Far Eastern, judging by the design of the Handwheels, Change Levers, Gearbox Change Levers and Tailstock shape and has the appearance of an early version Chester Craftsman.

There are plenty of the usual accessories and the (Gap-bed) Lathe has been used for Air-rifles & Traction Engines all it's life and appears to be in good condition.

I've no o/a dim's or pics apart from a b&w print on A4 paper, but if anyone can help with identifying the brand - that would be start. I'm off out to my Scooter Club meeting now (York Inset) "but Arl be back".

Cheers, Paul