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Rich's 1/16 scale monitor engine video.

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Only two ways to express myself.  :jaw:  :bugeye:

Thanks Glen.

I keep saying this over and over again.

The people that have the skill to produce articles like these have more skill in one little finger than all these highly paid arty farty types. Yet they never get the true recognition, and most don't even want it. They get their enjoyment from making the articles and showing them amongst a like minded audience.

We have a lady in the UK called Cherry Hill (a true lady, as bestowed on her a few years ago for contributions to engineering), in her younger days she could easily have become almost whatever she wanted to, but decided to pursue her dreams of making perfect replica steam engines, why? no one knows, as she has very rarely been photographed or interviewed, but almost every year she releases another one of her superb engines. They are so well researched and made, engineering students use them for study and research purposes.

Here is a rare pic of my unsung hero Cherry, from 1968, and she is still making suberb models now.



I've read about and seen her models in the mags. Truly outstanding. What I would like to know is how one goes about finding photo's, drawings and such about the planned project. This is one area I lack sorely in.

Thanks for posting that pic by the way. I always wondered what a wommen of such talent looked like. Pretty close to what my mind had pictured.



Maybe Glen would be the person to ask, I have done numerous searches and basically come up with nothing much every time.

Glen seems to have a talent for finding the impossible, outstanding or unusual.


I can only talk to the ones that Rich has related over the years. that's why I look forward to his book.

He will make numerous trips to were the pumping engine is, and the monitor engine and the Smithsonian and then take a ton of pictures. if the people at the museum will let him and I guess it isn't the first trip there. He would use a scale stick or sticks. And then take lots of pictures, and then lots more pictures of the smaller detail parts with measurements. In case of the pumping engine at the Ford museum many trips to study it. Since no drawings existed,the dimensions were taken from the original. Over 150 photos were taken pre digital camera days. and the then later he reduced it to auto cad drawings.

I will included PDF's of the write up from the program booklet From the NAMES expo. I'm having trouble with the Uploading of the pdf's so I will drop back and try something else.

The story of the monitor engine will be even better as the egg heads at the museum. Didn't want to let him near it. More so after he pointed out that they had assembled the mock up wrong and if they would have ever aired it up it would have destroyed itself.
He got a copy of the original drawings fade badly from the navy office of plans. and he used the Library of Congress for as much information that has been written about the engine and its creator.


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