Start Sculpting
A step by step Beginner's guide to working in three dimensions
John Plowman
Trade paperback
Copyright ©1995
Edition printed 2004
Quantum Publishing
Eagle Editions
color photos
London 144 pages

I have enjoyed and learned from his other book That I have read. It does cover mixed media, which more seem to be embracing these days. For metal workers he covers only sheet goods and smaller items. He does cover the equipment, materials, and getting started for the 20 projects he covers in the book.
Starting with carving, modeling and then construction of pieces. He covers the human form, mammals, an abstracts will cover the use of tactile sculpture, the use of rough and smooth and surface treatment. Which sometimes is forgotten in the rush to finish and the only important question is what patina or clear coat should I use.
Finishes up with chapters on casting and assemblage, non metallic materials which can come in handy for bases, accent parts or tinted clear plastic materials for sun catchers in the garden. Or just connection pieces between elements of a work.
On the assemblage end of things it give some perspective on building them that can be used no matter what the materials the sculptor choices to work in. Whether it is a wall hanging of fall leaves, made from sheet goods material in your choice of metals. To a free standing Plasma cutouts of a couple of bird shapes in flight that is welded together into flock of birds in startled flight, three dimensionally. Or a wire form style sculpture.
If you are just starting out in the sculpture field, or wanting to branch out expanding your scope. This is one that can help, and it has enough editions that it is in the secondary used book arena at reasonable prices.*