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Water feature lamp.....

(1/5) > >>

Divided he ad:
Well this is an oddity for my brothers father in law..... The things you get roped into!!!


I love this banner!!!  :thumbup:  :clap:

Now on with  the post!

The offending article. The large stone is to have water pouring out through the little hole that you can see in the middle of the large through hole. This little hole is reportedly 33 mm dia and needs the light to drop into it.... So The following is the best I could come up with to follow my brothers idea.


Now the artist rendering from brother of mine (he should have gone into drawing.... this is a 2 min' sketch!!!)

So I started....The cap.

Then the main body.

The boring..

The cap on the main body...

Set the mill to drill the led holes ay 10 degrees (slight upward angle to aid the light flow in the water)

Then the fiddly bit... Well I did electronics in school so the soldering is easy. Unless your soldering iron blows up just after the second solder.... Blacking out the whole house!!! Good job I have 2 gas irons too  ;D

Then the test of the lighting..

Not too shabby me thinks!?

The light as of the end of tonight....

I'll get a few pic's of when it is in the feature (could be a few weeks!)

Not a bad evenings work I think!  :thumbup:


Very cool Ralph. I have something similar to post up in the next day or so (on a much simpler scale), I won't hijack your thread. Can't wait to see it in place. This is definitely on theme with the board. Good job!


Quick question...

I think I know the answer, but are those soldered in series or in-line? They look like in series.


Divided he ad:
Glad you like it Eric... It would be a bit of a downer if it were slated after the hours spend crafting the damn thing!!  ;D

Series it is... Well if my high school memory serves me that is!!??  ???

I worked it to run from 12V dc as instructed... Only a 1ohm resistor required in the power lead.

According to the LED calculator I found on the interweb last year.... Very handy....


Thanks for the link. It will come in handy very shortly for me as I plan to do some 'light art' shortly (well i hope to at least)



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