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Moving a Bridgeport into the Basement

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--- Quote from: Bernd on June 25, 2009, 06:06:43 PM ---Ask me how I know this.  :)Bernd
--- End quote ---

I believe ya Bernd :)

Would this work? Before lifting the ram and setting in place on the column, what if I were to take four 6" lengths of threaded rod and insert them in the spider nut. Then lift and set the ram down on these rods, and once it's fully lowered, it would be easy to unscrew them one at a time and replace with the lock down bolts? Bill


I had thought of doing that to, but came to the conclusion that if I were to hit one of the studs it would knock the spider out of align. Since I didn't have long enough studs, for one reason is I have a 4" riser block in between ram and column, I didn't try it. Just line the spider up as best you can and when you set the ram back down just look through one of the bolt holes to line up as best you can and then carefuly place a bolt in the hole.

It could work to your advantage though using the 6" long rods. I'd say give it a try. If it works then people reading this thread can decide what will work for them.

One thing you might also do to help balance the ram better is turn the motor 180 degrees so it hangs down. Like I did when I put the ram back on. Makes handling the whole assembly much easier.


Yes, I saw that you had the head turned down ... I'll do that also. Thanks for the tip. Bill


--- Quote ---Just line the spider up as best you can and when you set the ram back down just look through one of the bolt holes to line up as best you can and then carefuly place a bolt in the hole.

--- End quote ---
worked for me.


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