Author Topic: Virtual Books Of interest To the assorted membership here  (Read 13175 times)

Offline PTsideshow

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Virtual Books Of interest To the assorted membership here
« on: December 02, 2010, 10:03:23 AM »
Virtual Books Of interest for the metal artist/worker. This compendium of condensed versions of these books published before 1923.  Is a great resource, even if it is a thinly disguised advertisement for the print on demand  and reprint publishers.

Most of the members will be interested in the titles under the craft heading

There are A lot of other titles and headings in the Chest of books site. The nice thing is you maybe able to find the books listed on the Google books site. I have only checked a couple of the titles, and have found about half of the ones I search for. That have the completed copies scanned in and available in PDF.

Here is one Google book listed.

Here is the search page for Google search

And for the Firefox browser users, you can can an add on app that lives in the search bar drop down menu.

You get it from the Firefox add-on site

Machine shop information along with a host of the old knowledge. Which the usual safety disclaimers should apply.

Chasing&Repoussé is covered in a number, Along with a lot of the forgotten formula's.
For those that may not know  "Receipts" was used as the word to describe recipes. In addition to the shop work and white,red and other smith work covered.

There are a number of the boy's make toys and items books along with one for girls. Covering all the things that were of interest to a youngster at both sides of the 1900 mark.
Simple steam engines and electrics along with some Railroad items.

Will be great for the winters days and nights readings, which appears to have hit earlier both across the pond and in sections of the US and Canada. *
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 06:30:28 AM by PTsideshow »
"The internet just a figment, of my imagination!' 
 There are only 3 things I can't do!"
Raise the Dead!
        Walk on water!
                 Fix a broken heart!
and I'm working on the first two!