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Moved the #21 Buffalo Forge drill press into the basement

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--- Quote from: Brass_Machine on October 09, 2008, 12:12:40 PM ---
Impressive Bernd! Can't wait to see the moving of the Bridgeport.


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Thanks. I don't think it was that impressive but then again it may have been.  ;)
I'll be posting how I did it. Might take a while though. ;D


Divided he ad:
I've been busy Bernd.... You know how life has that habit of not being as you want it..... ?

Still, I now have my car back on the road... The starter failed and then annoyed me a great deal.... It would have been a much easyer fix if it stopped raining for more than a few hours /night!!! (Not good when you are on your back under a very oily diesel engine!!!)

I am back on track.... Should get a bit of time on the mini ball turner this weekend.... I hope! I have to get it finished.

I really am going to have to consider moving to a country with bigger houses at reasonable prices!!! I need a huge basement and garage!!  :thumbup:

Hopefully I'll be posting some stuff later this week? (maybe next?!)


Ya, know what you mean.

Not much fun laying under a car while it rains. It is nice to have a garage to do stuff like that in.

I finally can get back to finishing my ball turner now too. Just finished up to projects for the boys who play with cars.

If you want to move over here and try it out I can look for a house with just that. They're going pretty cheap with the housing crunch over here.  :thumbup:

I'll be watching for your posts.



--- Quote from: Divided he ad on October 09, 2008, 06:25:02 PM ---l.... It would have been a much easyer fix if it stopped raining for more than a few hours /night!!!

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Well you do live in the UK.  :beer:

Divided he ad:

--- Quote ---Well you do live in the UK.
--- End quote ---

Yes the land of the never setting seasons.... It is not uncommon to go out in the morning with snow on the ground, by lunch it is hot and you get sunburned and by evening you are in a terential rain storm mixed with hail!!! Or any combination of the lot!!! Seriously you never know what to wear out, it can change 5-6 times in one day!

Well the plan is to visit a few countries and figure out which one suits me best  ;D  I've got a few years before that can be put into full flow though... I would like to consider my future here in my home land, but it is getting worse. This country would be great indeed if it were not for the greedy politicians and mega businesses.... IMO. I suppose I will find the same in most any place I wish to settle? But you have to try for a better life don't you?

Sorry, soap box now kicked back under the table.... Please carry on Bernd ;D



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