The Craftmans Shop > PowerSports
Penny Farthing Bicycle
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Divided he ad:
Cheers Wes. Nice to see where the inspiration came from   :beer:

--- Quote ---After that I'm just fitting things together in a way that pleases me.
--- End quote ---
  Is right!

That's the point isn't it? Having all the talent and style to create and bring a new version based on the original into being    :dremel: 

You have in essence the same philosophy as me.... Take the important elements and craft your own ideas around them  :thumbup: I've never been able to follow a plan rigidly yet!

I can see why the head design will be quite important style wise due to it's relevant height (many persons eye level).  Much thought and mental machining are a very wise option IMHO.

Oddly enough I was sitting in my workshop for a good hour or so yesterday just machining in my head.... I must have made a part (top secwet at the mo') 20 or 30 times in my mind before I even went looking for the stock.
(personal preference, listening to good music to aid the brains creative flow.... All very Zen!  :med:)

You're moving along at a good pace as far as I can tell..... No rush. Just get it done soon so we can see it all together  :poke:   :lol:

Powder Keg:
To keep this project moving I'm trying to do something every day on my Penny. With work and life sometimes it isn't much. But I try to do at least one thing. That way I'm one step closer to getting it done. Today I cut the spring mount off that chunk of brass. I'm going to set up my little lathe next and start threading those nipples.

Divided he ad:
I wish I had that drive sometimes.... I usually do nothing for weeks then spend days in the workshop!  :loco:

Well, it's looking great so far.... If you keep up as you are it'll be done in no time at all  :thumbup:

Powder Keg:
I ran across a really neat leather under seat tool bag that should be pretty easy to make. A bike needs a tool kit right:o) I'll have to go back to the saddle shop and see If I can get another scrap of leather\o/.

I think one similar would look right at home on my Penny.

Wes, I don't suppose bowls (not ten-pin, but on grass with bowls about 5" diameter) is a pastime in the US, but if it is you could look out for one of these:

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