The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Membership climbing

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Divided he ad:
I was writing that for the last hour.... well got into editing my video's a little too so the annotations come on a little sooner (can't expect everyone to stay till the end!! sadly :( )
It was not a response to the post about the book store (as I call it ;D ) I know that is getting to be a monster section in itself!!

Still here and backing you up Chief  ;D


We do get quite a few guests everyday. Wish some of them would register! The google spiders hit us serveral times a day too...

Ya, what Ralph said. I'm behind you 100% too.

Although I'm lacking in the advertisement department.

Need to get my other projects going and post pics here. But every time it's nice out I'm laying bricks. At the end of the day I'm to pooped to work on those fun projects. And ofcourse when it rains I can't go outside to work on some of those projects because they are outdoor type stuff. Like my pallet saw I haven't touched or the VW powered snowblower.

(and ofcourse I spend to much time on the computer sending messages  ;))


Divided he ad:
Well this thread was started on the 7th Sept' and there has been a rise of 7 new members since then..... Now all we need are a few posts from those and any older 'unposted' members. Some of the interesting stuff You have made and were off  ;D

So to all you guys out there Who have not yet introduced yourselves or posted anything.... Come on give it a go!

If you need help with anything anyone will gladly assist if they can.

We are all here to share what we do because we like to show it off and have like minded people tell us there opinions.... Instead of the "oh that's nice dear" or the "what does it do?.... Is that all?!" bits. (or is that just me?   :-\ )
That and in the hopes it will help others and maybe we/they will be inspired to make something different ;D

Basically I am just trying to inspire some/all of you to have a go.

Go on.... Get stuck in (no one here bites.... I think!)   :thumbup:


Were up a few more.  :clap:

Must be that vid of the ball turner Ralph.  :beer:  :thumbup:  ;D



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