The Shop > Electronics & IC Programing

Charging a 12v SLAB

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You should have said re: LM317T, I have loads of 'em you could have had. For nowt ..

Was considering hawking 'em on Antiques Roadshow .. he.. he  

Never use the things, always used a L200 since 1979 for regulators / battery chargers.

Whole heap more reliable.

No minimum output current.
Heatsink tab is Ground, not at some voltage. Nail it to the nearest bit of metalwork. (EDIT Unless you need an isolated output )
Never had one die through having a charged battery on output, with no DC input.
(LM317's don't like it the other way, you have got a diode across it ?? )
Just one chip does voltage regulation and current limit..

All for £2 unless you go to Maplin ( hawk, spit, p'tooing )

Batt. Charger cct. in this .pdf ........ >>>

Sorry, no real help.

Usual thing with electronic stuff, if it works, fine. If not, you're on your own ...  :( too many variables with DIY circuits.. )

End of regulator chip flaming war   :D  :D

Dave BC


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