The Craftmans Shop > Radio Control Models
My First RC Airboat
A bit of back ground as to this project. We have a place on the St. Lawrence River were we spend quite a few week ends and long holidays. I'm not one for sitting out in the sun getting toasted, :P so I decided I needed a RC boat to occupy my time. 8) I've always liked and wanted a swamp boat, you know the ones with the airplane engine and the prop. Well since I don't have the cash for the real thing I figured a model would do for "NOW". :-\
I started this project last year. Then for Christmas my parents bought me a plastic race boat. During the run in of the engine, about the third tank of fuel, the engine decided to throw the rod. :o :( I ordered replacements, but as of this writing I haven't seen it yet. :( :'( So it was back to building my "swamp buggy".
I've started a build log on my website, go here "Model Airboat" to view the build log. I'll be doing more on it this winter in hopes of finishing it for next boating season. So book mark the sight or check back here for updates of this project.
Cool I'm planing on an aluminum version with a 25cc weed wacker engine to match the 1/6th 25cc dune buggy. But teaching myself TIG welding first. Yours is looking good so far. AIRBOATERS WEBRING! you might enjoy this one.
--- Quote from: PTsideshow on September 02, 2008, 02:38:52 PM ---... match the 1/6th 25cc dune buggy. ...
--- End quote ---
Any pics or info?
You too Bernd... Lets see some pics on here!
--- Quote from: Brass_Machine on September 02, 2008, 02:48:04 PM ---
You too Bernd... Lets see some pics on here!
--- End quote ---
OK. Working on it.
Ok, as Eric asked for, a couple of pics of my boat.
This first is a side by side shot of a purchased plastic boat and my "under cunstrution" airboat. The cigarboat is powerd by a nitro engine with a water prop. The airboat will have a nitro engine also but use an airplane propeller.
Next pic. I laid a yard stick on the airboat so you can get an idea of scale. The airboat measures out to be about 26" long.
Here's more of a top view of the airboat. The inside has one coat of polyurethane added. I still need to get some 1oz. fiber glass cloth to cover the side and bottom. The motor mount is just stuck on there temporarly.
The last pic shows a head on view. The widest part of the boat is approximatly 14.5". One major purchase yet to be made is a radio. Haven't quite figured out what I need for this yet.
Oh, I might add I need an engine also. Somewere in the neighborhood of .025 to .040 cc's.
Keep tuned, I might just get more done now that the public can see it. :o ;D
Modified to read "Eric" not Rick. :-[ :-[
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